Take All of Me

When I first returned to the U.S. in fall of 2007 after an extended trip around the world, I started the blog otherspoon to help re-orient myself to life back home.  The blog was wide-ranging and at times painfully personal.  I posted on current events, the sounds of my street, and thoughts about the various incredible places I had traveled through — I was searching for new occupation (though not necessarily the employment kind) and found it.  As I settled into an issue that increasingly consumed my writing and activism, otherspoon was taken over with news and observations related to patients’ rights and end of life issues.

Last year I took on editorship of The Revealer, a publication of New York University’s Center for Religion and Media.  It’s been a fantastic and enlightening endeavor for me, another outlet for examining religion, an area I often address at otherspoon under the rubric of health care.  But recently I’ve missed having a place where I could chronicle my thoughts on non-patients’ rights, non-religion things, the personal reflections that make up the rest of my life — hence this new blog, annneumann.

That’s not to say that religion and end of life issues won’t come up here!  But I’m excited to spend more time chronicling the books I’m reading, the movies and art I’m seeing, the minute and beautiful encounters of a life in New York City.

I’m thinking of this new site as an umbrella for my other efforts, a home base for the writing and thinking that keep me engaged, productive, and alive; a map to the articles and books I’m working on; essentially a more lyrical home that covers all of me.

Where to get more Ann:

My articles can be found here

The Revealer, a publication of NYU’s Center for Religion and Media (editor)

The Revealer on twitter and on facebook

otherspoon, a blog about religion and end of life care

otherspoon on twitter and facebook

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